Table22 Partner FAQ

Table22 Partner FAQ


Welcome to Table22’s Partner Support Site! We've got an overview of the need-to-knows, and lots of best practices and shared learnings lined up and ready to help you design your membership program.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions


How does it work for members?
Is Table22 contacting my members to explain how the membership works?
Do I need to confirm my fulfillment date each month?
How does gifting work? Are gift recipients notified?
How does Table22-run delivery work?
How is Table22 handling sales tax?
Should I accommodate allergies or modification requests from members?


Do I need to confirm a fulfillment date each month?
Do members receive a reminder of their pick up or delivery?
What do I do about unscheduled pick ups?
What do I do about unscheduled deliveries?
I have a member who hasn’t picked up. How should I handle?
How should I handle missing items?


Why are my Partner Portal order counts different from the email I received on the first of the month?
How do I view my final order counts each month?
Where can I find my member’s delivery addresses?
If I have collected customizations from members (i.e. dietary restrictions) where can I see them?

Skip Straight to our How-To Guides:

🍽️How to: Execute an Excellent Dinner Club🥩How to: Execute an Excellent Butcher Club

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